More Emails…10/14/15

More emails.

She sent me more emails.  She sent me proof of everything.  I now have the receipts from Delta, the attorney he hired, the list goes on and on.

He shared with her my social security number, our marital settlement agreement, our parenting plan, and confidential email conversations we had with the mediator.

He lied about everything.  Every word that came out of his mouth was a lie.

He is a pig.  I knew it but now I have another person who has experienced it and I have it in black and white.

He knows I am up to something.  He tried to pacify me by texting me that I can go to the dance convention but this girl can no longer be pacified.  My breaking point was the discovery of the paperwork he filed with the government saying that I am a kidnapper if I cross the border with our child. Idiot, I already took care of that issue in our MSA. Maybe you should read.

It does take a long time for me to get fired up.  A lot of you thought I didn’t fight enough for myself, that I was too easy.  Well, not anymore.  He has angered the wrong red head and now it is WAR!!
